Acupuncture at Nova Spine & Wellness
Acupuncture is a treatment involving the use of special needles which are inserted in a specific way into a person. It was developed in China about 2,000 years ago. Today, there are two main forms of acupuncture; traditional (Chinese) and modern (Western).
The BBC lists acupuncture as one of the few evidently effective treatments for arthritis in its news item regarding the study released by Arthritis Research UK.
“Slowly, but surely, complementary and alternative therapies are being recognised as a having health and well-being value.”
Terry Cullen, British Complementary Medicine Association
(Report – 9th Jan, 2013)
At Nova Spine & Wellness we use both Chinese and Western acupuncture & dry needling as a treatment option for you.
Some of the conditions which may respond to the use of acupuncture & dry needling:
- Osteo-arthritis (affecting toes, feet, ankles and knees)
- Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis & associated inflammatory arthritic conditions
- Nerve pain (neuralgia) – e.g. Morton’s neuroma
- Neuropathic pain
- Sporting injuries
- Shin pain (“shin splints”)
- Achilles pain
- Muscle pain
- Restless leg syndrome
- Sciatica related pain
- Ligament sprains
When do we not recommend acupuncture & dry needling?
- If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant
- If you have infected/broken skin/tumour in area to be needled
- If you have Metal allergies – especially nickel/steel
- If you suffer from uncontrollable seizures/epilepsy
- If you have uncontrollable INR levels
How many acupuncture & dry needling treatments will you need?
Sometimes one treatment is enough but this is unusual. Most people require a course of roughly 4 to 12 treatments. At first you may be asked to come back after one or two weeks; as improvement occurs the intervals between treatments may be made longer.
Generally speaking, there should be at least some effect after two or three treatments. If nothing at all happens you are probably not going to respond to this form of treatment.
You may find that the effects of treatment vary from time to time. One treatment may help a lot, the next less or even not at all. Don’t worry too much about this; provided there is a long-term trend towards improvement all is in order.
Nova Spine & Wellness, the place for Chinese and Western acupuncture & dry needling!
To book an appointment please call 01438 532 075 or view availability and book on-line here.